SafeGraphR is an R package designed to make it easy to read in and process data from SafeGraph, including data that comes through the SafeGraph COVID-19 consortium or the catalog. You may want to consult the Quick Start Guide, the Awesome SafeGraph Data Science List, the Normalization Best Practices, and especially the SafeGraph Docs.

You can install SafeGraphR directly from GitHub.

# if necessary
# install.packages('remotes')

The other pages on this site will walk you through how you can use SafeGraphR to work with the data.

Bugs and Help!

SafeGraphR is currently in beta. All of its functions work, but of course there may be bugs remaining. The code has also not been checked with every possible combination of options that you could pick. Lastly, the SafeGraph data itself changes format on occasion, which may break some SafeGraphR functionality.

If you run into an issue or bug in the code, please raise an Issue on the SafeGraphR Github Issues page.

If you’re just having trouble getting things to work, you can find help at the SafeGraph COVID Consortium Slack Channel in the r-troubleshooting room.