
This vignette will walk through the process of using the Traffic-Over-Time functions, introduced in SafeGraphR version 0.3.0, which completely automate the process of downloading, reading, processing, and outputting SafeGraph data in the visits_by_day column. This process is optimized for use with visits_by_day, although you might be able to get at least some of it to work for other variables.

The idea is that you can do basically everything you need with a single growth_over_time() call. This vignette will discuss how to make that call, and also talk about some of the internal functions it uses, so you can know how to use them yourself if you’d like to be a little more hands-on.

Note that in any case where this function downloads data from AWS - wherever you need a key or secret argument - that the original AWS bucket no longer exists; you’ll need to pass along the appropriate safegraph_aws() arguments as well if you have your own AWS setup.


The growth_over_time() function is intended to produce a data set and (optionally) graph showing how a certain subset of traffic data from the weekly patterns files changes over a set of dates, possibly doing different groups separately.

The first thing we need to do is determine the set of dates that we want to track traffic over, for the dates argument. This is a vector of dates. If you want a range of dates, one good way to do it is lubridate::ymd('year-month-day') + lubridate::days(0:numberofdaystotrack). The date range you give will be expanded based on ma to ensure that when you take a moving average with ma(), your entire date range survives.

This expanded date range will be passed to patterns_lookup() to determine the set of folders that the data you need are in. If you also give an AWS key and secret, it will download all those files for you, along with the appropriate normalization data.

If you want to get more precise, you can instead use the filelist and filelist_norm arguments to specify which files exactly you want being read in for patterns and normalization data. Note that growth_over_time uses the national-level total_devices_seen column for normalization.

# Not yet working code
gr <- growth_over_time(lubridate::ymd('2020-07-01') + lubridate::days(0:6),
                       key = 'mykey',
                       secret = 'mysecret')

We also must specify a by argument, which is a character vector giving the variables to do calculations by. Visits data will be aggregated to this level before growth calculations are made. So for example, by = c('brands','state_fips') would calculate visits in each state for each brand.

Any variable in by other than the actual variables in the patterns files, or state_fips or county fips, must be brought in by merging the patterns files with the data.table provided in the naics_link argument. Variables other than naics_code may be brought in this way and used.

Many of the other options here, like filter, start_dates, and dir are fairly straightforward and are shared with read_patterns(). Some others will generally not be touched, for example the backfill_date arguments, which will only need to be updated if you are using a version of the patterns backfill other than the one available the last time this package was updated. It’s also unlikely that you’ll want to do anything with read_opts(), which just passes options along to read_many_patterns(), orprocessing_opts(), which passes options toprocessing_template()`.

One argument to be aware of is test_run. Set this to FALSE to actually run your command. Because this function takes so long, and downloads so much data, you want to be real sure it runs right before doing it! test_run = TRUE, which is the default, will use only one week of data, limiting the impact it has while you check if things work.

Setting your options appropriately will use patterns_lookup() to figure out which patterns and normalization files to read in, read_many_patterns() and read_many_csvs() to read them, respectively, and then processing_template() to prepare them.

The processing_template() function will take patterns data fresh off of read_many_patterns() and normalization data fresh off of read_many_csvs() and process them appropriately, resulting in a sample-size adjusted visits value and a measurement of growth in traffic since the first day in the sample.

# Example data, imagine these came from read_many_patterns(expand_int = 'visits_by_day')
# and read_many_csvs(), respectively

pat_NY_NJ[, .(visits_by_day = sum(visits_by_day)), by = .(date, state_fips, county_fips)]
#>            date state_fips county_fips visits_by_day
#>   1: 2020-06-22         34          01         23878
#>   2: 2020-06-23         34          01         23898
#>   3: 2020-06-24         34          01         24463
#>   4: 2020-06-25         34          01         24788
#>   5: 2020-06-26         34          01         28190
#>  ---                                                
#> 577: 2020-06-24         36         123          1001
#> 578: 2020-06-25         36         123           961
#> 579: 2020-06-26         36         123          1212
#> 580: 2020-06-27         36         123          1328
#> 581: 2020-06-28         36         123           823
norm[, .(date, total_devices_seen)]
#>          date total_devices_seen
#> 1: 2020-06-22           17312070
#> 2: 2020-06-23           16870682
#> 3: 2020-06-24           17103600
#> 4: 2020-06-25           17014972
#> 5: 2020-06-26           16964900
#> 6: 2020-06-27           16304498
#> 7: 2020-06-28           16341487

We can pass these two to processing_templtae() and it will do the sample normalization, the moving average, and the growth-since-first-day. Note that the normalization variable we want should be the last column of norm.

growth_data <- processing_template(pat_NY_NJ[, .(visits_by_day = sum(visits_by_day)), by = .(date, state_fips, county_fips)],
                    norm = norm[, .(date, total_devices_seen)],
                    by = c('state_fips','county_fips'),
                    ma = 2)[] # since we only have one week of data, use a very short moving average, just to demonstrate

#>            date state_fips county_fips visits_by_day total_devices_seen
#>   1: 2020-06-23         34          01         23898           16870682
#>   2: 2020-06-24         34          01         24463           17103600
#>   3: 2020-06-25         34          01         24788           17014972
#>   4: 2020-06-26         34          01         28190           16964900
#>   5: 2020-06-27         34          01         28943           16304498
#>  ---                                                                   
#> 494: 2020-06-24         36          99          2292           17103600
#> 495: 2020-06-25         36          99          2145           17014972
#> 496: 2020-06-26         36          99          2335           16964900
#> 497: 2020-06-27         36          99          2751           16304498
#> 498: 2020-06-28         36          99          2026           16341487
#>        adj_visits     growth
#>   1: 0.0013979046 0.00000000
#>   2: 0.0014234120 0.01824687
#>   3: 0.0014435591 0.03265929
#>   4: 0.0015592504 0.11541975
#>   5: 0.0017184102 0.22927577
#>  ---                        
#> 494: 0.0001255962 0.09600879
#> 495: 0.0001300362 0.13475380
#> 496: 0.0001318513 0.15059337
#> 497: 0.0001531818 0.33673288
#> 498: 0.0001463527 0.27713911

This output from processing_template() is then the output from growth_over_time().

Or, if make_graph = TRUE, instead you get a list where the processing_template() output is the first element of that list! The second would then be a graph or list of graphs. The other arguments in growth_over_time() have to do with the creation of graphs.

Graphing with growth_over_time

If you want control over the graphing process, it’s probably just a good idea to take the processing_template()/growth_over_time() output and graph it yourself.

However, setting make_graph = TRUE will get you a pretty nice-looking graph without any further work! Probably not completely publication-ready (but it does look nice - you’d have to fiddle with titles, etc., though), but definitely good enough for your own information.

Setting make_graph = TRUE with nothing else will simply take the output discussed in the last section and send it to graph_template(), which produces a ggplot2 line graph with labels at the end of the lines, and a separate line for each combination of by. It will also combine the elements of by into a single variable, if there’s more than one element.

# (this won't work since I'm going straight to graph_template, but I could have
# loaded data(fips_to_names) and used that as a line_labels argument in growth_over_time
# to label the lines with their county names rather than just the numbers)

# This example uses only a few counties
graph_template(growth_data[state_fips == 34 & county_fips %in% c(1,3,5)],
               by = c('county_fips')) + 
  # This is a regular ggplot2 object, so we can further modify it as one
  ggplot2::theme(text = ggplot2::element_text(family = 'serif'))
#> Warning in max(.): no non-missing arguments to max; returning -Inf
#> Warning in max.default(structure(numeric(0), class = "Date"), na.rm = FALSE): no
#> non-missing arguments to max; returning -Inf
#> Warning in min.default(structure(numeric(0), class = "Date"), na.rm = FALSE): no
#> non-missing arguments to min; returning Inf
#> Warning in max.default(structure(numeric(0), class = "Date"), na.rm = FALSE): no
#> non-missing arguments to max; returning -Inf
#> Warning: `guides(<scale> = FALSE)` is deprecated. Please use `guides(<scale> =
#> "none")` instead.

And that’s the basic idea! You can change the optios of graph_template() by passing them to the graph_opts argument of growth_over_time() as a list, but dang that sounds like a lot of work to me! growth_over_time() gives you back a list. The first element of that list is the processing_template() output, and the second is the graph_template() output.


One thing that is likely to be common in growth_over_time() is that there will be a lot of combinations of the by variables. Too many to track if you put each of their lines on the same graph. So the graph_by option will let you specify a vector of character variables, which must be a subset of by. Then, it will produce separate graphs for each combination of graph_by variables.

So, want to track two brands separately in each state? Use filter to pick those two brands, then use by = c('state_fips','brands'), and then finally graph_by = 'state_fips'. Now, growth_over_time() will still return a two-element list, the first of which is the processing_template() output.

But the second element will now be its own list, with one element for each combination of graph_by. Each element of that list will be a separate graph_template() call, using only data from that combination of graph_by variables, and graphing lines separately by the remaining non-graph_by elements of by. So with by = c('state_fips','brands') and graph_by = 'state_fips' we’d get one graph per state, and one line per brand on each of those graphs.